Small Things Add Up

It’s the small things that make big differences sometimes. I see that quite often in my weeks, especially these last two where I have been very busy with my day job. In fact, I’ve been so busy I’ve had to make some small adjustments lately. Whether it’s finding different times to write or carving outContinue reading “Small Things Add Up”

Enjoying the Journey

My current work in progress is coming along. The book is growing each week as I find limited time to write. My day job has monopolized a major portion of my day, beyond the eight hours I’m scheduled for, but that’s okay. For now, I’m enjoying the experience. Actually, enjoying the experience may be aContinue reading “Enjoying the Journey”

Real Life and Writing

Many times during my stressful day job, I find myself thinking about characters in books I’ve read or want to write. I think about how they handle stress and failure. Some of the most interesting characters may not face the biggest problems until their first attempts at solutions make them tougher. Right now, with theContinue reading “Real Life and Writing”

Making Time to Write

With recent changes in my day job, I’ve struggled to find or make the same amount of writing time as I used to. I’m still writing but at a slower pace. I’ve had to reevaluate what I do with my time and cut out some of the things that waste it. In some ways, itContinue reading “Making Time to Write”

What do I Really Know?

As I wrote this week, I found myself thinking back to a saying of a person I used to work with. He loved to say “know what you know.” I’m sure he was quoting someone, even if he didn’t know it, but that saying has helped me with some of the interactions of my protagonistContinue reading “What do I Really Know?”

What’s Your Frame of Reference

Thinking about the obstacles in a story and how they affect the protagonist and other characters has been something I’ve done a bit of this week. In my current work in progress, my main character is jaded due to what he has already endured. That means that his thoughts are already skewed toward the negative.Continue reading “What’s Your Frame of Reference”

Missed Opportunities Drive a Story

While writing over the last week, I’ve been thinking a lot about missed opportunities. While writing my protagonists story in the current book I’m writing, the protagonist has missed several. Some of them, he intentionally missed, and some were thrust upon him, and he turned the other way. Those events needed to happen to showContinue reading “Missed Opportunities Drive a Story”

Just One Step Ahead

This week, I’ve been writing a couple chapters building to a conflict. The protagonist can tell things are getting worse, but if he does things well, it might not be as bad as he thinks. He just has to stay one step ahead. Looking at my life, with some new responsibilities I’ve taken on thisContinue reading “Just One Step Ahead”

Remembering to Make Time for Writing

Sometimes, life gets really busy. My writing this year has slowed a bit. Rather than writing twenty thousand words a week, I’ve been lucky to get one thousand words in a week. I’m still working on my next book and the chapters are coming along, but not at the pace I’ve had before. I’m remindedContinue reading “Remembering to Make Time for Writing”

A Story’s Inciting Event

When I think of some of the stories I’ve enjoyed reading, one major thing stands out. In most of the stories, the protagonist begins in a situation that, no matter how ruinous or desperate it might be, they’ve figured it out enough to survive. They know the dangers, rewards, and challenges that affect their life.Continue reading “A Story’s Inciting Event”